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39. Jahrgang InternetAusgabe 2005


China in the world economy

China lays down the Gauntlet

in Energy War

By F. William Engdahl

The Making of a China-EU World

By David Gosset DoppelPfeil klein02

Australia and The Rise of China as

A Function of American

Post-Industrial Decay
DoppelPfeil klein02

By James Cumes


For the first time in more than 50 years of estrangement from the Chinese Communist Party, Taiwan's Kuomintang has sent a delegation to mainland China. In Asia Times Online Henry C K Liu examines the history behind the move.

The Myth of Tiananmen And the Price of a Passive Press

Before the Next Catastrophe

By Uri Avnery, 01.01.05 / Deutsch



Natural disasters exert an enormous toll on development. In doing so, they pose a significant threat to prospects for achieving the Millennium Development Goals in particular, the overarching target of halving extreme poverty by 2015. Annual economic losses associated with such disasters averaged US$ 75.5 billion in the 1960s, US$ 138.4 billion in the 1970s, US$ 213.9 billion in the 1980s and US$ 659.9 billion in the 1990s. The majority of these losses are concentrated in the developed world and fail to adequately capture the impact of the disaster on the poor who often bear the greatest cost in terms of lives and livelihoods, and rebuilding their shattered communities and infrastructure. Today, 85 percent of the people exposed to earthquakes, tropical cyclones, floods and droughts live in countries having either medium or low human development. more

United Nations Development Program
has begun development of a Disaster Risk Index (DRI)

Waiting for the next Tsunami

“A large, wider Europe, driven into hegemonic rivalry by the present hyperpower play by the United States, is a somber scenario.”

Arno Tausch, Speaking Freely, in Asia Times Online

Die endlose Türkei-Debatte

Ein Dossier von Arno Tausch

Die Türkei, die islamische Welt und die Zukunft Europas. Ein Lehrstück zur US-Außenpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert

Von Arno Tausch

Hearing From Europe - The only EU-wide Public Debate on the Future of Europe - Organized by the Friends of Europe

Jahrbuch 2002

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Prof. Hans Poser: Bericht über den VII. Internationalen Leibniz Kongreß



Novissima Sinica

Historiam nostri temporis illustratura

Das Neuste von China

Zur Erhellung der Geschichte unserer Zeit

Zur Relevanz der Novissima Sinica

Vorwort 1979

Redaktionelle Bemerkung

Leibniz und Russland

Begegnungen zwischen Leibniz und Peter dem Großen

China und der Rest der Welt / Verein für Geschichte des Weltsystems

Glasfaserseidenstraße Deutschland - China

Jahrbuch 2000

Orient und Okzident in Weimar

»In der Welt des Menschen
gibt es kein absolutes Anderssein«

De Ludo Globi

Die Rede des iranischen Präsidenten Mohammed Khatami in Weimar am 12.7.2000

Toscanellis Brief über den westlichen Weg

Weltwirtschaft im



Global Economy in

the Asian Age

Ein Gegenentwurf zur Analyse der letzten zwei Jahrhunderte eurozentrischer Geschichtsschreibung und Gesellschaftstheorie ...

Weltwirtschaft und ihre sektorale und regionale Arbeitsteilung und zyklische Dynamik von 1400 bis 1800.